Corporate Governance

Governance Structure GRI 102-16, 18

IIFL Home Finance’s corporate governance culture dates back many years and is based on fulfilling our strategic goals responsibly and honestly while remaining accountable to our stakeholders. We have astrong framework and policy in place for maintaining high standard of corporate governance, which is key to ensure its long term success and is committed to protecting and maximizing interest of its stakeholders. The Company aims at achieving not only the highest possible standards of legal and regulatory compliances, but also of effective management through effective polices/guidelines and procedures conforming to the applicable laws. The Board of Directors, as the pinnacle of the organisation, oversees the company’s function, strategic direction, and performance. A wise Board develops the Company’s vision, strategy, and policies, and assesses their effectiveness on a regular basis. The composition of Board of Directors of the Corporation and its Committees are in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Responsibility of Board

The Board of Directors meets on a regular basis to discuss sustainability issues, particularly those related to climate change. The Board of Directors oversees the Group Leadership Team and provides strategic input on these matters. At least once a year, the board of directors examines the company’s sustainability strategy and efforts, particularly those related to ESG.

Policies and Framework
Frameworks, policies and handbooks are significant vehicles for the Board to communicate the Company’s position on numerous important significant matters and to establish procedures and processes. All policies and frameworks are designed to meet the requirements of relevant legislation as well as the expectations of diverse stakeholders. Below are the policies and guides under the focus of our ESG framework:
ESG Policy

ESG Policies of Company has been implemented to set roadmap for integrating sustainability into all business operations and our product offerings resulting in conducting business in a responsible manner and to establish strategy to communicate our sustainability performance to all stakeholders in a transparent and regular manner

Vigilance Policy

This policy seeks to define and establish the mechanism for employees of IIFL Home Financeon the framework for reporting instances of unethical/ improper conduct and auctioning suitable steps to investigate and correct the same. Accordingly, this policy details the following:

  • Procedure to disclose any suspected unethical and/or improper practice taking place in the Company
  • Protection available to the person making such disclosure in good faith
  • Mechanism for auctioning and reporting on such disclosures to the relevant authority within the Company; and Relevant authority and its powers to review disclosures and direct corrective action relating to such disclosures. Vigilance Mechanism
Internal Guidelines on Corporate Governance
The purpose of Internal Guidelines on Corporate Governance is to adopt best practices and greater transparency in the operations of the Company and in compliance with the guidelines on Corporate Governance issued by Reserve Bank of India vide Circular No. DNBR (PD) CC. No. 029/ 03.10.001/2014-15 dated April 10, 2015.
Environmental Policy

We seek ways to minimize negative impacts on the environment while maximizing opportunities for improvement in our environmental performance. Our Environmental Policy serves as a guiding document to implement and adopt best practices so as to minimize the Company’s environmental footprint inclusive of energy consumption, water usage and discharge, waste management, and emission management, etc. in its business operations and across its value chain

Employee Health & Safety Policy

IIFL Home Finance believes in the philosophy that injuries, illness and incidents (3Is) are preventable. We foster a safe working environment and carry out an active due diligence to ensure well-being of people and safety of assets.

CSR Policy

The key purpose of this Policy is to define the broad development areas that the IIFL Home Financeshall undertake, outline the governance structure for CSR management within the IIFL Home Finance, serve as a guiding document to help identify, execute, and monitor CSR projects and explain the manner in which the surpluses from CSR projects will be treated.

Diversity & Inclusion Policy

Our commitment towards Diversity and Inclusion entails respecting people from diverse backgrounds and experiences and creating a safe environment to foster a culture of openness and inclusivity.

HR Handbook

The manual helps us to understand the various policies, procedures, benefits, terms and conditions and other related matters pertaining to our employment at IIFL. It incorporates all the policies relating to members under one roof. It also gives us an understanding of the philosophy and work culture prevalent in the company.

Sexual Harassment & Redressal Policy

The employees have the right to work in an environment, free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. The Company recognizes its responsibility towards safeguarding and protecting its employees from harassment, either by an internal or external source, and is committed to provide and ensure a safe, harassment-free working environment to all its employees.

Anti Bribery & Anti-corruption (ABAC) Policy

The policy of IIFL Home Finance Limited on combating corruption and to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our dealings wherever we operate. We are also committed to implement and enforce effective systems to counter bribery. This policy sets out the Company’s long-standing policy on bribery and other forms of unlawful payments in the form of Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (ABAC) Policy.

IT Policies (Information Technology Policy- Information and Cyber Security Policy and the Business Continuity Management Policy)

IT policies and procedures establish guidelines for the use of information technology within an organization. In other words, it outlines what everyone is expected to do while using company assets.

Know-Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy

The objective of Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering policy is to prevent banks from being used, intentionally or unintentionally, by criminal elements for money laundering. KYC procedures enable banks to know/understand their customers and their financial dealings better.

Grievance Redressal Policy

Through this policy, the company ensures that a suitable mechanism exists for receiving and addressing grievances from its customers and their constituents including pensioners, with specific emphasis on resolving such cases fairly and expeditiously regardless of source of the case.

Whistle-blower Protection Policy

The purpose of this policy is to eliminate and help to prevent malpractices, to investigate and resolve complaints, take appropriate action to safeguard the interests of the IIFL Home Finance and to ensure that any person making a complaint is protected, while at the same time actively discouraging frivolous and insubstantial complaints.

IIFL Group Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is a statement of the IIFL’s commitment to integrity and the highest standards of ethical practices. It defines the standards of conduct that is expected of all employees in order that the right decisions are taken in performing roles and responsibilities across various functions in the company.

Fair Practice Code

This Code sets standards of practices to be followed when employees deal with individual customers. It provides protection to the customers and explains how the Company is expected to deal with the customers for their day-to-day operations.

Code of Conduct Policies

The objective of the Code is to ensure that the Board of Directors and the Senior Management Personnel maintain the standards of conduct required of them and also become aware of those situations where there is likely to be a potential conflict between the interest of the Company and the interest of the Directors / Senior Management and in such circumstances, no step is taken against the interest of the Company.

Adhering to Regulatory Compliance

Our compliance system employs a methodical approach to guarantee that our practices are compliant with national and international legislation. Not only have we lifted the compliance bar far above the basic ‘laws of the land,’ but we’ve also adopted top international standards and practices.

The compliance department ensures that all applicable laws, policies, and regulations are followed throughout the firm. The department collaborates with other agencies to ensure that the changing and evolving laws and regulations are implemented quickly and smoothly.

Receipt of guidelines from Regulatory bodies and stakeholders

Analysis of impact on organisation, and action required

Communication to the relevant department for implementation

Implementation at the department level

Periodic reporting on progress to the Board of Directors and relevant stakeholders

The objective of the Code is to ensure that the Board of Directors and the Senior Management Personnel maintain the standards of conduct required of them and also become aware of those situations where there is likely to be a potential conflict between the interest of the Company and the interest of the Directors / Senior Management and in such circumstances, no step is taken against the interest of the Company.

Anti-corruption GRI 205-1

At IIFL Home Finance, not only at the management level, but also at the operational level, ethical business conduct is a primary focus area. To prevent misconduct, a number of company rules and operational procedures have been implemented.

Our Code of Conduct, which is backed up by our Anti-Corruption policy, directs the Company to “fight corruption and conduct business in an honest and ethical way.” We have a zero-tolerance policy for bribery and corruption, and we are committed to acting professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all of our transactions.

Our comprehensive Anti-corruption policy provides employees with the information they need to recognise ethical behaviour. The policy covers stakeholders, including directors, shareholders, employees, and third-party representatives. Bribery, corruption, and important principles of adherence are all defined in the policy. As part of the onboarding process, we provide ethical conduct counsel to all employees to aid in decision-making for appropriate business conduct. Following that, all stakeholders receive frequent training to update their knowledge of the policy and ethical behaviour standards.

During the reporting period, we have trained 100% of our workers on the Company’s anti-corruption rules and practises.