ESG Commitments
Promoting Sustainability and Responsible Practices
At IIFL HFL, the concept of sustainability encompasses our environmental, social, and governance aspects, which collectively contribute to fostering inclusive growth. This notion considers the environment in which we operate, the community with which we engage, our human resources, who are integral to our success, and our governance structure, which provides exceptional leadership to achieve our objectives.

ESG Framework and Policy
Our integrated vision and focus on efficiency, management, and productivity has laid the path of creating value by incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives within our business ecosystem. Our ESG framework lays the foundation for integrating critical ESG aspects in our core business functions and operational boundary.
At IIFL Home Finance, at the core of the Company, we have defined a robust ESG ecosystem as a part of our DNA. Our approach towards ESG involves strong ESG framework and policies, the measurement metrics, operations, diligent monitoring, and transparent and effective reporting. The four pillars, i.e. Integrating ESG with Business, Creating Social Impact, Enabling Human Capital, and Enriching our Risk and Lending Approach brings on board not only our employees and customers, but also the other stakeholders, our society, the environment and the immediate ecosystem in which we operate.
IIFL Home Finance’s ‘ESG Policy’, aligned with leading international standards and principles, serves as a guide for identification of its material topics across various internal business functions, product offerings, and branches and offices. It provides a systematic approach to establish a robust governance structure, define roles and responsibilities, systems and processes for management, measurement, monitoring and auditing of identified material aspects in a timely and transparent manner.

ESG Vision
Enabling sustainable housing through strong foundation of innovation, sustainable lending practices and social impact

ESG Mission
Create long-term sustainable value for all stakeholders and communities, thus creating a lasting environmental and social ecosystem
Balance economic growth and Return on Investments (ROI) with robust management of environmental, social, and governance risks across our business portfolio
Proactively identify, prioritise and assess the key risks associated with business, operate within defined and agreed-upon tolerance levels for our key risks; and make certain that risk management strategies are in place to respond to our key risks efficiently and effectively
Nurture human capital by providing a dynamic work environment, opportunities and learning
Leveraging innovation, technology and operational efficiency to maximise reach and achieve sustainable value

Focus Area of ESG Policy
Environmental Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Customer Satisfaction
Human Resource (HR) Management
a. Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Policy
b. Learning and Development Policy
c. Human Rights Policy
Prevention of Sexual Harassment and its Redressal
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
Information and Cyber Security
Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
Grievance Redressal
Whistle-blower Protection
Business Continuity Management
Business Code of Conduct
Fair Practice Code
Supplier Code of Conduct

To set roadmap for integrating sustainability into all business operations and our product offerings resulting in conducting business in a responsible manner
To establish strategy to communicate our sustainability performance to all stakeholders in a transparent and regular manner