

We Bring Together Industry Experts and Housing Developers to Build a Sustainable Infrastructure

It is a stage blending benefits of green homes within the affordable housing segment in India, ultimately strengthening our belief in honorable Prime Minister’s vision and mission of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Housing for All by 2022'.

Efficient use of land, resources and
water is the need of the hour.

Adoption of energy conservation and sustainable living has become critical in recent years.

The Gap

Construction industry is a major consumer of non-renewable resources and a massive producer of waste, and the operation of buildings is responsible for huge CO2 emissions. 30-40% of natural resources were exploited by the building industry, and 50% of energy used for heating and cooling in buildings.

Thought Leadership

IIFL Home Loans is working towards creating a thought leadership in the field of sustainable living. Kutumb brings together industry experts on a common platform, addressing the building-life-cycle challenges for the developers. Mr. Ashok B. Lall has immense expertise in developing strategies for environmentally and socially sustainable development.

The Future Look

IIFL Home Loans believes Kutumb to be a stepping stone for its partner developers to institute green technologies and eventually align with green buildings. The larger objective is to participate in and practice sustainable living.

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